Blackline G7: Tried-and-tested-testimonials!
If you're into lone worker safety, you might have heard about the G7 series by now. These personnel monitors automate alarms and incident reports while keeping lone workers safe!
On the fence? Here are some testimonials from satisfied customers.

Customer A works for a company that produces purified water.
"The systems that produce this water need regular maintenance. However, staffing is an issue and often, workers have to carry out these maintenance works alone. Blackline has solved this issue for us."

"Your sales rep helped to clarify any questions and aided us with the initial setup issues in a timely manner."
"These devices greatly enhance workplace safety! If I had a complaint, it's that the devices work too well. When our workers sit still for too long, the Blackline G7C may send an alarm because it thinks that the worker fainted."

Customer B is in the manufacturing industry. His workers help to create encapsulated fragrances, so they are constantly exposed to chemicals.
"Our day-to-day hazards include chemical reactions, fire, explosions and a lack of oxygen. We can't leave technicians alone; they might faint on the shopfloor before realising that a harmful chemical has been released."

"We've been using Blackline G7C detectors for one and a half years. We place two units in areas with heavier activity so that the technician in charge can use it on their shift."
"One downside of Blackline is that we need to calibrate it often. But it's so feature-rich in comparison to competitors! It can quickly give an accurate location of the casualty which is important as the shop floor consists of multiple levels."
Relevant Industries:

Oil & Gas





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